RFK Jr.'s links to Epstein, and is the Kennedy family crypto-Jewish? [Archive] (2024)

A week ago, John Brisson posted a video titled "There Are No Heroes - Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Numerous Connections to the Epstein Network". (https://odysee.com/@weveread/there-are-no-heroes-robert-f.-kennedy)

I compiled a text file about the sources that were mentioned in the video, and I then added my own research. One of the sources said that Robert Maxwell wanted Ghislaine to marry JFK Jr., which I think adds further weight to the theory that the Kennedy family is crypto-Jewish, so I also tried to search for more clues that the Kennedys are Jews.

Sources mentioned in the video by John Brisson

From an article published in _OK Magazine_ in 2020: (https://okmagazine.com/news/ghislaine-maxwell-hohn-f-kennedy-jr-sexual-hookup/)

> Now a source close to Maxwell has told _OK!_ her "chief conquest" was a one-night stand with magazine publisher who many believed was set to follow in his father's footsteps and become President.
> "It was a one-time hookup," said the source.
> "It happened in the early 1990s soon after Ghislaine had started to establish herself on the New York social scene. He went to her house after a political event and she routinely would drop into conversation. Who wouldn't, right?"

From a _New York Post_ article from 2000: (https://nypost.com/2000/03/23/how-ghislaine-rose-from-the-ashes-maxwells-heirs-building-a-new-business-empire/)

> Robert Maxwell saw himself as Britain's Joseph P. Kennedy, the patriarch of a dynasty that would wield financial and political power on a global scale. Like Kennedy, he expected much of his children and pushed them hard.
> ...
> Maxwell even dreamed that he might one day forge an alliance with the Kennedys by marrying Ghislaine to JFK Jr. The two became close friends and remained so until Kennedy's tragic death last year. Ghislaine has also been a guest at a number of Kennedy weddings and family events.

A _New York Post_ article from 2021 said that in 1990, Ghislaine attended the wedding of RFK Jr.'s sister Kerry: (https://nypost.com/2021/11/02/ghislaine-maxwell-attended-cuomo-kennedy-wedding-in-1990-author/)

> Accused sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell attended ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo's ritzy wedding to Kerry Kennedy in the early 1990s, an author claimed in a new book about her run-ins with the British socialite.
> Christina Oxenberg, a distant cousin of Prince Andrew, wrote in her new tell-all "Trash: Encounters With Ghislaine Maxwell" that she first met Jeffrey Epstein's alleged madam at Ethel Kennedy's Hickory Hill home in McLean, Va., following Cuomo and Kerry's nuptials in 1990, the _Sun_ reported.
> "The ceremony took place in a cathedral in Washington DC and was attended by scores of invited guests, the front door near-impenetrable because of the swarm of the media and a mob of Kennedy fans," Oxenberg wrote in the tome, released Thursday.

An article about the wedding published in _The Press Democrat_ on 1990-06-10 said: "Ushers included brothers-in-law Kenneth Cole and Robert Perpignano, and Kerry's brothers, Christopher, Douglas, Rep. Joseph P. Kennedy III, D-MAss., Max Michael and Robert Jr." (https://www.newspapers.com/image/311198768)

RFK Jr.'s daughter Kick was dating a billionaire banking heir of the Mellon family: (https://people.com/style/matthew-mellon-dated-kick-kennedy-before-death/)

> Kick Kennedy, 30, a model and daughter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., was dating billionaire banking heir Matthew Mellon at the time he passed away Monday following a possible return to substance use, according to Kennedy's model manager.
> ...
> Kennedy, who lives in Los Angeles, had been dating Mellon for about four months. The pair traveled the world together, including Switzerland, London, Washington, D.C. and New York, says Schott.

Epstein's black book had 8 different phone numbers for RFK Jr. and his wife. (https://epsteinsblackbook.com/names/bobby-mary-kennedy) The book also included entries for "Kennedy Cuomo, Andrew & Kerry", "Kennedy Jr, Ted", "Kennedy, Ethel", "Kennedy, Jo", and "Kennedy, Senator Edward".

A PDF of Epstein's flight logs was released in December 2021. (https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/21165424-epstein-flight-logs-released-in-usa-vs-maxwell) On page 26, there is an entry that includes the names "BOBBY KENNEDY" and "BOBBY KENNEDY, JR" under the date 1994-02-17, and 10 days later on 1994-02-27, there is an entry that includes the names "BOBBY KENNEDY, JR" and "BOBBY KENNEDY III". I think in both cases the entries refer to RFK Jr. and his son Bobby Kennedy III. Bobby III was born in September 1984, so he would've been 9 years old at the time. Other names are difficult to read, but I think on both flights, they might include Emily Kennedy, who was the wife of RFK Jr. at the time, and either Kat or Kick Kennedy for his daughter Kathleen Alexandra Kennedy, who is known as Kick. He had only two children at the time according to his Wikipedia article, even though he may have of course had illegitimate children. I think the first flight was from TEB-BCT to PBI, or from Teterboro to Boca Raton to Palm Beach International, and the second flight was from Palm Beach International back to Teterboro. Teterboro is in New Jersey near Manhattan. The Boca Raton Airport is only about 40 km away from the Palm Beach International Airport. Little Saint James island was bought by Epstein in 1998, so they probably didn't fly there in any case.

According to Farron Cousins, RFK Jr. told him that his family was on Epstein's plane because they went fossil hunting: (https://trofire.com/2021/12/10/bobby-kennedy-jr-named-in-epstein-investigation-following-criticism-of-fauci/)

> Mike Papantonio: I'm seeing something develop it's really bothering me right now. Bobby Kennedy, for example, is friend of mine has been for a long time. Now, Bobby was on the plane one time with his family that they went fossil hunting and they literally was transported because of that. The first time it's ever been mentioned is all of a sudden Bobby Kennedy and his family were on the Epstein plane, New York Times.
> Farron Cousins: Well, and even the pilot sitting on the stand said, I never saw him.
> Mike Papantonio: Yeah.
> Farron Cousins: I didn't see this.
> Mike Papantonio: Yeah. So this is a response. I promise you, this is a response to the fact that Bobby's critical of Fauci. Again, I totally disagree with Bobby on the need for, for these vaccines. We gotta have 'em. But I don't disagree with the fact that Fauci is becoming more and more looking like very, very self-serving as this goes on.
> Farron Cousins: Well, I, I, I think overall with the Epstein stuff again, we've heard it from Bobby directly. Yes, I was there. My, my, my family was there. My, my wife at the time was there. We went fossil hunting for the day. They brought us right back. And even the pilot again says, I don't see this person. So it is very weird.

Cousins said that RFK Jr. said that "We went fossil hunting for the day. They brought us right back." However the flight log shows that the second flight was 10 days after the first flight.

In the case Jane Doe No. 2 vs Jeffrey Epstein from 2009, there's a transcript of a deposition of Juan Alessi, who worked as a housekeeper at Epstein's Palm Beach house between the years 1992 and 2002. (https://ia801009.us.archive.org/25/items/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706/gov.uscourts.nysd.447706.55.12.pdf) He said that he saw RFK Jr. at the house:

> Q. Who did you see at house?
> A. Many. It was senators. It was Senator Mitchell, George Mitchell. It was Prince Andrew. It was Princess Sarah.
> Q. Princess?
> A. Sarah, the wife of Andrew.
> Q. Sarah Ferguson?
> A. Ferguson.
> And it was a couple Misses, Misses Yugoslavia, Miss Germany that I don't even know the names. But they were a lot of queens and other famous people that I can't remember. It was a very famous lawyers that I'm sure you know, Alan Dershowitz, who spend at the house a couple times. And he slept there. He - Princess Diane's secretary, she stay there for a week with her kids and we took care of her.
> Who else? Mr. Trump. That's a celebrity.
> Mr. Robert Kennedy, Junior. Mr. Frederick Fekkai.
> Q. Who is that?
> A. Fekkai, Frederick Fekkai, the famous hairstylist. Who else? I don't think I can remember anymore.

A photo at GettyImages has the caption: "NEW YORK, NY - JUNE 05: (L-R) UN diplomat Palitha Kohona, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Angela Chen attend a reception at Ghislaine Maxwell's residence after "StarTalk Live! Water World" Panel Discussion on June 5, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew Toth/Getty Images)". (https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/diplomat-palitha-kohona-robert-f-kennedy-jr-and-angela-chen-news-photo/450159358)

In 2020 when Patrick Bet-David hosted a debate between RFK Jr. and Alan Dershowitz on YouTube, Dershowitz said: "Robert offered me a job and I decided to take it. I was a great fan of Senator Robert Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and I think I consider myself a friend of the Kennedy family, and I consider myself a fan of Robert Kennedy, I admire enormously the environmental work he's done." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfnJi7yLKgE&t=5m30s)

Alan Dershowitz

From a Vox article which consist of a summary of a longer article by Connie Bruck: (https://www.vox.com/identities/2019/7/30/20746983/alan-dershowitz-jeffrey-epstein-sarah-ransome-giuffre)

> When Jeffrey Epstein found out in 2005 that he was being investigated by police for the sexual abuse of underage girls, he called Alan Dershowitz.
> A Harvard Law School professor and high-profile defense lawyer, Dershowitz helped negotiate a "non-prosecution agreement" under which Epstein served just 13 months in a county jail, much of it spent on "work release" in an office. Ever since details of that agreement were reported by Julie K. Brown of the Miami Herald, Dershowitz and his role in the deal have been under added scrutiny.
> That only increased this week with the publication of a New Yorker story by reporter Connie Bruck, detailing not just Dershowitz's role in defending Epstein, but also allegations by two women who say that they were directed to have sex with Dershowitz while in Epstein's orbit. Dershowitz vehemently denies both allegations.
> ...
> Dershowitz started his career as an advocate for civil liberties, Bruck writes, taking on pro bono cases that challenged censorship laws and the death penalty. He was hired as an assistant professor at Harvard Law School in 1964, while still in his 20s.
> But in the '80s and '90s, Bruck reports, Dershowitz started taking on more high-profile clients. He handled appeals for Claus von Bülow, a wealthy man with a mansion on New York's Fifth Avenue, as well as boxer Mike Tyson, who had been convicted of raping an 18-year-old woman. (Von Bülow's conviction was overturned; Tyson's was not.)
> Dershowitz met Epstein in 1996, and apparently became part of his "collection" of famous and well-connected friends. According to Bruck, the two flew together that year to a party at the Ohio estate of billionaire Leslie Wexner, Epstein's only publicly-known client." I was Jeffrey Epstein's intellectual gift to Leslie Wexner," Dershowitz said.
> Dershowitz later told the Harvard Crimson that Epstein was "brilliant," and that the money manager was the only person outside his family he trusted to read drafts of his books. Epstein also helped Dershowitz invest some money in a hedge fund, and when the fund lost money, he pressured the fund's founder to recoup Dershowitz's losses, according to Bruck.
> ...
> But one woman, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, says she was trafficked by Epstein to Dershowitz. Giuffre told Bruck that she began visiting Epstein's Palm Beach mansion in 2000, when she was not quite seventeen. She was expected to have sex with Epstein multiple times a day, she said, and she wrote in court documents that she was "required to be sexually exploited by Defendant's adult male peers." That included Dershowitz. Giuffre "asserted that she'd had sex with Dershowitz at least six times, in Epstein's various residences, on his island, in a car, and on his plane," Bruck writes.
> Dershowitz denied Giuffre's claims, calling her a "prostitute" and a "bad mother" to her children, Bruck writes. Dershowitz also denied her claims to Vox.
> Giuffre is now suing Dershowitz for defamation.
> Meanwhile, another woman, Sarah Ransome, says in court documents that she also had sex with Dershowitz at Epstein's behest, though she was in her twenties at the time.

Bruck's article mentioned that in 1991 when there was a trial where RFK Jr.'s cousin was accused of rape, Dershowitz criticized the prosecution in the media: (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/08/05/alan-dershowitz-devils-advocate)

> William Kennedy Smith, a nephew of John F. Kennedy, had recently been accused of raping a woman on a Kennedy family estate, and Dershowitz frequently spoke to the media about the case. (Smith argued that the sex was consensual, and he was later acquitted.)

Dershowitz was also a member of the defense team in the trial of Harvey Weinstein in 2018 and in Trump's first impeachment trial in 2020.

In the deposition I quoted earlier, Epstein's housekeeper Juan Alessi said that he also saw Dershowitz at Epstein's Palm Beach villa.

The trial of William Kennedy Smith

In 1991, RFK Jr.'s cousin William Kennedy Smith was accused of rape at Palm Beach: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Kennedy_Smith)

> In 1991, Smith was tried and acquitted on a charge of rape, represented by Miami-based criminal defense attorney Roy Black in a trial that attracted extensive media coverage.[7]
> The incident began on the evening of Good Friday, March 29, 1991, when Smith, then 30 years old, was in a bar (named Au Bar) in Palm Beach, Florida, with his uncle, Senator Ted Kennedy, and his cousin Patrick J. Kennedy. There Smith met Patricia Bowman,[8][9][10] a 29-year-old woman and another young woman at the bar. According to a police affidavit by investigating police officers who interviewed Bowman, Smith asked for a ride back to a nearby house owned by the Kennedy family. Bowman told police that Smith then violently raped her. At about 4:00 am, she called two friends who retrieved her from the Kennedy compound and took her first to their home and then to her own home, where Bowman called a rape crisis center. A few hours later she reported the incident to the police and was taken to a hospital for a rape kit examination, which documented sperm in her vagin*, complaints of severe pain, and bruising. At trial, Smith said that he and Bowman had engaged in sex, but it had been consensual. Although three women, including a law student and a medical student, were willing to testify that Smith had sexually assaulted them in incidents in the 1980s that were not reported to the police, their testimony was excluded on the grounds that the pattern of behavior reported was not similar enough in its details to the Bowman case.[12] Smith was acquitted of all charges.[8][9][10]

William Kennedy Smith's lawyer was Roy Black, who was also part of the team that gave Epstein his sweetheart deal: (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7234267/Jeffrey-Epsteins-lawyers-SMEAR-victims-insist-underage-girls-lied-age.html)

> Epstein's legal team is claiming that the accusers 'misrepresented their age' to enter his mansion in West Palm Beach where he allegedly had sex with them when they were as young as 14. ... The paperwork was filed in a separate case in Florida by Roy Black, Martin Weinberg and Scott Srebnick, three of the many lawyers who have represented Epstein.

In 2006, private investigators working for Roy Black helped to dig dirt on Epstein's girls in order to make the prosecution skeptical: (https://eu.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/courts/2019/07/17/man-who-had-everything-jeffrey-epstein-craved-big-homes-elite-friends-and-underage-girls/4676283007/)

> In Orlando they interviewed a possible victim who told them nothing inappropriate had happened between her and Epstein. They asked her whether she had spoken to anyone else. She said yes, a private investigator had asked her the same questions.
> When they subpoenaed one of Epstein's former employees, he told them the same thing. He and a private eye had met at a restaurant days earlier to go over what the man would tell investigators.
> Detectives received complaints that private eyes were posing as police officers. When they told Epstein's local attorney, Guy Fronstin, he said the investigators worked for Roy Black, the high-powered Miami lawyer who has defended the likes of Rush Limbaugh and William Kennedy Smith.
> While the private eyes were conducting a parallel investigation, Dershowitz, the Harvard law professor, traveled to West Palm Beach with information about the girls. From their own profiles on the popular Web site MySpace.com, he obtained copies of their discussions about their use of alcohol and marijuana.
> He took his research to a meeting with prosecutors in early 2006, where he sought to cast doubt on the teens' reliability.
> The private eyes had dug up enough dirt on the girls to make prosecutors skeptical.

During the trial of William Kennedy Smith, Dershowitz said that the case shouldn't have been televised: (https://www.newspapers.com/image/268071835)

> To Dershowitz, it was a question of bad taste.
> "I think television coverage is a eet thing if done for an educational purpose.
> "But this trial was not broadcast for it's educational value but because it was tilillating and salacious and because it was X-rated.
> "On balance, I think the American public was mis-educated and misinformed."

On 1991-05-15, _The Times Mail_ reported that Dershowitz also said that the name of the plaintiff should've been made public: (https://www.newspapers.com/image/547619858)

> Dershowitz pointed out that not publishing victims' names can be very prejudicial and downright unfair in some circ*mstances.
> "Take the Kennedy alleged rape case as an example," said Dershowitz. "The media has had no problem publishing the name of the alleged assailant even though he has so far not even been charged with a crime, and even if he were, in our system of he is considered innocent, but the woman's name is not published because we are told in every story in which her name is not used she is a 'rape victim.'
> "That tells the public that as far as the media is concerned a rape did take place and because the woman is a victim she is unnamed. How fair is that?
> "I am not saying that all rape victims' names should be published I am very sensitive to the fact that many women would not come forward to report a rape if she thought her name was going to be used. Obviously, if some guy jumps out of the bushes and rapes a total stranger, then it would serve no purpose to publish ber name.
> "But what I am saying is that the policy of not naming rape victims should not be a blanket policy. It should be decided on a case-by-case basis. In some cases of alleged rape - and the Kennedy case might be one of these - the identity and background of the woman might become an important and newsworthy factor. By publishing her identity, sources might come forward who could aid in the investigation. It is simply bad news policy to say in every case of an alleged sexual assault the alleged victim's name will not be used, but the alleged perpetrator is fair game."

The Kennedy estate at Palm Beach

Epstein's housekeeper Juan Alessi said that he saw RFK Jr. at Epstein's villa at Palm Beach. Brisson said that it was more unusual than to see Trump at the Palm Beach villa, because Trump has Mar-a-Lago at Palm Beach, but actually the Kennedys also had a huge estate at Palm Beach from 1941 to 1995. It was located at 1095 N Ocean Blvd, which is about 7 km away from Epstein's villa at 358 El Brillo Way. It was leased to RFK Jr.'s mom Ethel: (https://eu.palmbeachpost.com/story/news/2021/11/04/couple-buys-palm-beach-seaside-house-previously-leased-ethel-kennedy/6217372001/)

> According to published reports and public records, the house was previously leased to Kennedy, widow of the late U.S. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, who served as attorney general in the administration of his late brother, President John F. Kennedy. The Kennedy family has deep roots in Palm Beach.
> ...
> Palm Beach has been associated with the Kennedy family since 1933, when the family patriarch, the late Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., bought an oceanfront estate built in the 1920s at 1095 N. Ocean Blvd.
> Last year, asset manager and billionaire Jane Goldman sold the former Kennedy estate through an ownership company for a recorded $70 million. The estate - known in the early 1960s as President Kennedy's "winter White House" - was for decades a vacation home for the president's parents, Joe Kennedy and his late wife, Rose, and their children, including Robert Kennedy, who was assassinated in 1968 while running for the presidency.
> Over the years, several Kennedy family members - in addition to Ethel Kennedy - have had homes in Palm Beach.

RFK Jr.'s brother died while he was partying at Palm Beach: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_A._Kennedy)

> On April 19, he flew down to Palm Beach, Florida for Easter, where several members of the Kennedy family had gathered. Kennedy checked into Room 107 of the Brazilian Court Hotel and spent the next few days partying. On April 25, staff went to check on his welfare at the insistence of concerned family members; he was found dead on the floor of his suite from an overdose of cocaine, Demerol, and Mellaril.[8]

Another link between Ghislaine and the Kennedys

Ghislaine also attended the wedding of RFK Jr.'s brother Max, or at least she was invited there: (https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/12027580/ghislaine-maxwell-daddys-girl-epstein/)

> At 29, she went to a dinner honouring the Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and later rang her father, who was visiting President Gorbachev in Moscow, with a report of the event.
> Her reward was a scathing tirade. In a written apology later, she told him: "I am very sorry that my description of the dinner this morning was inadequate and made you angry.
> "I should have expressed at the start of our conversation that I was merely presenting you with a preliminary report of the evening and that a full written report was to follow."
> She then wrote long descriptions of every guest, praised her father and signed off: "I will call you again tomorrow to receive your precise instructions for the Kennedy wedding."
> She had been invited to the marriage of Matthew Maxwell Kennedy, son of assassinated senator Robert.

Gerald Lefcourt

When RFK Jr.'s sister Kerry Kennedy had a DWI case in 2014, her lawyer was Gerald Lefcourt. (https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/24/kerry-kennedy-trial/5779919/)

Lefcourt was also part of the team that gave Epstein his sweetheart deal: (https://nypost.com/2019/08/03/jeffrey-epstein-lavished-cash-on-lawyers-charities-after-sweetheart-plea-deal/)

> After Lefcourt's Epstein's private foundation also donated $250,000 to the Washington-based Foundation for Criminal Justice, where another attorney, Gerald Lefcourt, was a board member in 2007, public filings show."

Lefcourt and Dershowitz wrote a letter which said that Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative: (https://abcnews.go.com/US/victims-feds-hid-sweetheart-deal-sex-offender-deep/story?id=36843144)

> And as Epstein first faced federal prosecution a few years later, one of his lawyers, Gerald B. Lefcourt, wrote to prosecutors to tout Epstein's pedigree as "part of the original group that conceived of the Clinton Global Initiative," according to a letter attached to Wednesday's court filing.
> Reached Wednesday, Lefcourt said he would not have made that representation to the prosecutors had he not believed it was true.
> ...
> Hundreds of pages of newly-disclosed correspondence between federal prosecutors and Epstein's dream team of defense lawyers, including Jay Lefkowitz, Kenneth Starr, Alan Dershowitz, Roy Black, and Lefcourt, provide an inside look at Epstein's efforts to forestall the federal prosecution and at the effort to conceal the resulting deal, despite repeated acknowledgements by government lawyers that they were legally required to inform the victims.
> ...
> "In a feature article about Mr. Epstein in New York Magazine," Lefcourt wrote in a letter to prosecutors, "former President Clinton aptly described Mr. Epstein as 'a committed philanthropist with a keen sense of global markets and an in-depth knowledge of twenty-first century science.' President Clinton reached this conclusion during a month-long trip to Africa with Mr. Epstein, which Mr. Epstein hosted. The purpose of that trip was to increase AIDS awareness; to work towards a solution to the AIDS crisis; and to provide funding to reduce the costs of delivering medications to those inflicted (sic) with the disease."

Lefcourt, Black, and Dershowitz were early members of Epstein's defense team, but Ken Starr joined it later on: (https://pagesix.com/2007/09/06/whitewater-man-on-sex-case/)

> BILLIONAIRE money manager Jeffrey Epstein has brought in a hired gun to help defend charges brought against him in Palm Beach, Fla., of soliciting prostitutes for sex. Epstein - who was already repped by top defense lawyers Gerald Lefcourt and Roy Black and appeals expert Alan Dershowitz - has hired former Whitewater special prosecutor Ken Starr to make the misdemeanor case go away.

According to an article that was published in _New York Magazine_ in 2007, Epstein's "dream team of lawyers" was "led by Gerald Lefcourt". (https://nymag.com/news/features/41826/)

In 2008, Lefcourt also represented Epstein in the case Cordero v. Epstein, but the complaint was dismissed after hearing. (https://www.lefcourtlaw.com/recent-and-notable-decisions/)

Rothschild family and CFR

In _Spectator World_ in 2020, Dershowitz wrote that "my wife and I were introduced to Ghislaine Maxwell by Sir Evelyn and Lady Lynne de Rothschild". (https://spectatorworld.com/topic/ghislaine-maxwell-know-jeffrey-epstein-alan-dershowitz/)

Lynn Forester de Rothschild is listed as a member of CFR. (https://www.cfr.org/membership/roster) The list of members that is published on CFR's website also includes five people with the surname Kennedy, but I think the only one of them who is closely related to RFK Jr. is Edward Kennedy Jr. In the 2020 census, Kennedy was ranked as the 130th most common surname in the United States. (http://www.kennedydna.com/distribution.html)

In a letter that was written by Dershowitz and Lefcourt in 2007, they said that Epstein supported the CFR and Trilateral Commission: (https://books.google.com/books?id=SF3HDwAAQBAJ&pg=PT248)

> Shortly thereafter, on July 6, 2007, Alan Dershowitz authored a twenty-four-page letter along with Gerald Lefcourt on behalf of Epstein. In it, they explained that Epstein generously supported the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations, seemingly in an effort to curry favor with the government and make it clear just how important Epstein was. No coincidence, the letter also threw in that Epstein was one of the founding members of the Clinton Global Initiative, making his connection with Bill Clinton rather prominent.

I found an image of Lynn Rothschild attending a fundraiser of RFK Jr.'s sister, with the caption: "Andrew Stein and Lynn Forester de Rothschild attend Courtney Kennedy Rhue Polital Fundraiser on December 1, 1988 in New York City." (https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/andrew-stein-and-lynn-forester-de-rothschild-attend-news-photo/869349702)

Bobby Kennedy III also attended an event that was hosted by Nicky Rotschild (née Hilton): "Bobby Kennedy and Fulvia Farolfi join Nicky Rothschild hosting co*cktails and a book signing to celebrate 'D. Porthault: The Art of Luxury Linens' at Private Residence on November 1, 2017 in New York City." (https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/bobby-kennedy-and-guests-join-nicky-rothschild-hosting/869194040)

Christina Oxenberg

From an article published in 2021: (http://web.archive.org/web/20211109005541/https://www.royalfoibles.com/jeffrey-epsteins-first-royal-guest)

> Contrary to popular belief, Britain's Prince Andrew wasn't the first royal to be entertained as a dinner guest of Jeffrey Epstein's at his now infamous former 71st street mansion located on Manhattan's upper east side. That ignominious invitation was first extended to, and endured by, Andrew's deeply unamused 2nd cousin, once removed, Christina Oxenberg, sometime in 1990. A widely respected novelist, short story writer, and now memoirist, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once called her "one of the most lethal wits of the western world." As bad luck would have it, it was at the wedding reception of Robert's sister, Kerry, and Andrew Cuomo, which took place several months after Christina's dreadful evening with Epstein, and several years before Ghislaine Maxwell entered his orbit, that Christina first encountered his future alleged partner in underage sex trafficking recruitment and harem management.
> ...
> But, now with the background of Ghislaine's connection to Oxenberg having been properly explained, let us return to the subject of this article, which concerns Christina's first, last, and only meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, his then billionaire client, mentor, and likely sugar daddy, Leslie Wexner, and his then long term girlfriend, Eva Andersson, which took place over dinner shortly after Wexner purchased and renovated the huge, multi-story mansion at 71st St. he would pass along to Epstein, allegedly for $1, in 1996, and where Jeffrey would by 2011 host HRH Prince Andrew, the Duke of York, among other dignitaries.
> ...
> Born the second daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia during her marriage to New York based dress manufacturer, Howard Oxenberg, Christina's related to both the Queen and her late husband, Prince Philip, in a multitude of different ways. Furthermore, as has now been corroborated by multiple, reputable sources, and written about extensively by the authoress herself, there's a distinct possibility Christina's biological father is actually John F. Kennedy, as her mother was among his many paramours at the time Christina was conceived in 1962, carrying on an affair with him both in London and Washington DC at the height of his presidency. Howard Oxenberg, according to Christina, was convinced she wasn't his daughter, frequently telling her as much while she grew up. Princess Elizabeth finally told Christina the reason behind her by then ex-husband's disavowals of Christina's paternity by the time she was in late childhood, asking her to keep it a secret as Kennedys at that point were seemingly being assassinated at regular intervals. While Elizabeth has since publicly denied ever having told her younger daughter such a thing, the Kennedys themselves have long embraced Christina as what historian Gary Wills characterized as an Honorary Kennedy in his book concerning the family's political legacy, The Kennedy Imprisonment, and clearly many of them regard her as part of their extended clan. Some of the more mischievous among them even tried to introduce Christina to Jackie O, Caroline, and JFK Jr. on occasion, which they always artfully dodged.

From another interview: (https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/tradition/a30222833/christina-oxenberg-instagram-patreon-memoir/)

> "Mom is a princess from a country that doesn't exist anymore, and Dad" - Howard Oxenberg, who died in 2010 - "was Jewish, from Brooklyn, in the garment industry. He was the first to mass market maternity clothes, which was very clever," Oxenberg says.
> "They both had a lot of affairs and were very naughty, very badly behaved. My mom had an affair with J.F.K. when she got pregnant with me, and everybody knew about it. It was very public, and she did it to poke her finger in the eye of Howard, who was screwing around. As a princess she was able to outdo him and get the president."
> Among the piquant details Oxenberg shares is that when her father discovered the liaison, he traveled to Washington with a pistol. President Kennedy, meanwhile, "died believing that I was his child, the poor thing."

This is Christina Oxenberg's sister (or it could be her half sister if Christina's father is actually JFK): (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_Oxenberg)

> Oxenberg was born in New York City, but grew up in London. She is the eldest daughter of Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia (born 1936) and her first husband Howard Oxenberg (1919-2010), a Jewish[1] dress manufacturer and close friend of the Kennedy family. Her sister is Christina Oxenberg. Princess Elizabeth is the only daughter of Prince Paul of Yugoslavia (who served as regent for his cousin's eldest son King Peter II of Yugoslavia) and Princess Olga of Greece and Denmark. Through her maternal grandmother, Catherine is a first cousin once removed of Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, Princess Alexandra, The Honourable Lady Ogilvy, and Prince Michael of Kent, and also a second cousin once removed of Queen Sofía of Spain and Charles, Prince of Wales, making Catherine a third cousin of Felipe VI of Spain and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge.

Christina Oxenberg's mother may also be a crypto-Jew, since she married a Jewish dress manufacturer. And if she's a crypto-Jew and if JFK actually dated her, I think it makes it slightly more likely that JFK was also a crypto-Jew.

Marilyn Monroe

In the book _Bloodlines of the Illuminati_, Fritz Springmeier claims that Marilyn Monroe was a Jew, but he didn't elaborate it any further, and he didn't cite any source: (http://www.whale.to/b/sp/kennedy.html, https://archive.org/details/bloodlines-of-the-illuminati-by-fritz-springmeier)

> Anton LaVey found Marilyn Monroe, a Jewish girl, working as a striptease in the strip clubs. LaVey helped her performance, and through his connections got her started on her big career.

When Marilyn Monroe married a Jew in 1956, she became an overt convert to Judaism: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marilyn_Monroe)

> On June 29, Monroe and Miller were married at the Westchester County Court in White Plains, New York; two days later they had a Jewish ceremony at the home of Kay Brown, Miller's literary agent, in Waccabuc, New York.[169][170] With the marriage, Monroe converted to Judaism, which led Egypt to ban all of her films.[171][j]
> ...
> j. Monroe identified with the Jewish people as a "dispossessed group" and wanted to convert to make herself part of Miller's family.[172] She was instructed by Rabbi Robert Goldberg and converted on July 1, 1956.[171] Monroe's interest in Judaism as a religion was limited: she referred to herself as a "Jewish atheist" and after her divorce from Miller, did not practice the faith aside from retaining some religious items.[171] Egypt also lifted her ban after the divorce was finalized in 1961.[171]"

Bobby Kennedy III

On the IMBD page of RFK Jr.'s son, he is listed as a writer of 3 films, and he also has a director, actor, or producer credit in all films. (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm4067701/)

In 2018, he was married to "writer, peace activist and former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox": (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amaryllis_Fox)

> Fox was born Amaryllis Damerell Thornber in New York City. Her mother, Lalage Damerell, is an English retired actress.[6] Her father was an economist. Fox's mother has since married billionaire businessman Steven M. Rales.[1]
> ...
> Fox became one of the youngest female officers in the CIA at the age of 22, assigned to "non-official cover," entailing living abroad with a fake identity and no diplomatic protections.[12] Fox states her work focused on preventing terror organizations from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, assuming the cover of an art dealer.[3] After eight years at the agency, Fox left the CIA in 2010.[3]
> ...
> Fox is currently married to Robert Kennedy III, the grandson of Robert F. Kennedy; they have a daughter named Bobby and a son named Cassius.[15][16] Fox and Kennedy were introduced via a mutual friend at Burning Man, and married on Cape Cod in 2018.[10]

It's funny that Bobby Kennedy IV is a girl.

Del Bigtree

The film Vaxxed was directed by Del Bigtree., and the film Vaxxed II was directed by RFK Jr. In a joint statement to the congress on 2017-11-13, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree said that: "Mandatory vaccination of all Americans lay just around the corner. Our job is to make sure those mandatory vaccines are as safe as they can be." The quotation may be paraphrased, because I didn't find its source anywhere, but it was mentioned on a Facebook post by Greg Wyatt. (https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=419424812882259&id=110095843815159)

Del Bigtree's wife Lee is the niece of the secret wife of Oleg Cassini, who was the fashion designer of JFK's wife Jackie. The following quote is from a Facebook post that I think was written by Greg Wyatt: (https://www.facebook.com/theinformedwarriors/posts/853786835118130)

> Del is married to Lee Collette Nestor (date). Lee was born on September 23, 1969 in Switzerland and is the daughter of Peggy Nestor. Not much is known about her father other than he was an international banker(10). Why does Lee use her mother's maiden name?
> Lee is also related to Marianne Nestor who is her aunt.
> Marianne (aka Dolly) was the secret wife of Oleg Cassini(11). Peggy was the creative director for Oleg Cassini brand(12). The two Nestor sisters, Marianne and Peggy have been embroiled in a lawsuit over the New York 5th Avenue mansion left to Marianne after Oleg's death in 2006. Christina "Tina" Cassini and her sister, Daria, daughters of Oleg and Gene Tierney were the presumed heirs to the nearly $60 million estate.
> ...
> Why are pictures of Del filled with symbols of the elite like numerous photos referencing flags, mason brick walls, bright purple socks, and black and white checkered floors?

This is the mom of Del Bigtree's wife: (https://www.peggynestor.com/)

> Peggy Nestor, has been the Creative Director of the Oleg Cassini brand for many decades ... Oleg Cassini is known for elegance and glamour dressing some of the most influential and beautiful women of our time, like Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, Kim Basinger, Taylor Swift, and many more luminaries, as well as being appointed the official courier to Jaqueline Kennedy during her years in the White House, a collaboration that inspired a look that changed the world. ... Peggy worked closely with Oleg, running the Cassini design studio ... The RFK Tournaments were a major yearly ABC TV, nationally televised event, and many stars from all fields participated and wore the Oleg Cassini designs on television. From Elton John to Bjorn Borg from Senator Ted Kennedy to Billie Jean King; all wore Oleg Cassini sports wear. When Oleg won the tournament, Jackie Kennedy Onassis presented him with the silver cup. Peggy coordinated the fashions with both Ethel Kennedy and Francoise de la Renta. Peggy coordinated clothing for Jackie, who stated, "Oleg dressed me for the part", referencing her time as the most fashionable First Lady of the USA.

Lee Nestor was also called "Design Director for Special Projects at Oleg Cassini, Inc." (https://m.bpt.me/event/450402)

Jews and Muslims in Colonial North America

Some of the etymologies that are proposed in this book seem a bit speculative, but here's parts of the book _Jews and Muslims in Colonial North America_ which mention the name Kennedy: (https://archive.org/details/B-001-001-711)

> In the case of the Normans and of America with its founding fathers (and less frequently evoked founding mothers) we are dealing with a small set of foreigners who came from across the sea, quickly gained control and entirely displaced the native population. It has been said that three-quarters of the families inhabiting the Old South can trace descent from as few as fourteen individuals of just as many surnames who came to the Jamestown colony - Gates, Heard, Sands, Throckmorton, Walker, Wooten and others. On a different level, an interlocking presidential dynasty has been suggested with twelve patrician families at its core - Adams, Bayard, Breckbridge, Harrison, Kennedy, Lee, Livingston, Lodge, Randolph, Roosevelt, Taft and Tucker - most of which we will have recourse to mentioning in the chapters of this book.[2]
> ...
> The footnotes in this study are intended not only to document origins and surname histories in unequivocal fashion but also to cast a sidelight on celebrated Jewish Americans who can trace back to colonial forebears and their relatives in European Jewry. These range from the Massachusetts Kennedys to the Byrds of Virginia, from actors Johnny Depp and Adrien Brody to actresses Roseanne Barr and Gwyneth Paltrow, from writers Louise Gluck and Neil Simon to politicians Barbara Boxer and Bernie Sanders and jurists Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan.
> ...
> Recent scholarship has also brought to light the presence of Converso Jews among the French colonists in North America. We shall see several of these - such as Arnau, Alexander, Brandon, Cassel (Casal, a sept of Clan Kennedy), and Noble - in the British colonies as well.
> ...
> By 1760 Anthony Semmes (Hebrew, "descendants"),[11] Moses Tabbs (Hebrew, "cook, butcher"),[12] William Canoday (Canada, Kennedy, Candia, Candiani, Candi)[15] and Leigh Massey (Hebrew) were serving as vestry men of the Poplar Hill parish.
> ...
> Another Maryland family that took approximately the same route to the frontier as the Adairs, although much earlier, were the Gists.[50] The first of the Gists came to Maryland in the 1680s at the time of the Glorious Revolution in England. Christopher Richard Gist was married to Edith Cromwell, a relative of Oliver Cromwell, the Protector. One of his children was Richard Gist, born in Baltimore. Lest the name Christopher seem an odd one for a Jew, let us point out that it was frequently given to the son of a crypto-Jewish family as the perfect "dodge" or cover. Christopher married Zipporah Morray (Sephardic name). Later Gists marry Howards (sisters), a Kennedy (Canada, Candia), a Gratz (Gracia) of the powerful and wealthy Pennsylvania trading company, and other Gists.
> ...
> The presence of so many of these surnames in Stern's genealogies is striking to say the least. Stern devotes whole pages to the Frankses, Harrises, Clarks, Coopers and others in the list. It is possible to trace a strong Scottish Jewish or crypto-Jewish presence with names such as Gordon, Kennedy, Stewart and Fraser. Georgia was apparently the prime meeting place for Scottish and Iberian Jews.
> Several of these newcomers arrived from Caribbean islands. On British-governed Nevis, one-fourth of the inhabitants were Jewish. Sephardic Jews named Senior, Rezio, Israel, Mendez, Lobatto, Arrobas and de Mesquita had been leaders in the development of the sugar industry on that island. As Jewish historian Mordechai Arbell notes, however, the "decline of the Nevis Jewish population began in the second half of the 18th century. The sugar trade declined, and Nevis Jews had to look for new prospects."[112]
> ...
> He further notes that Sephardic Jewish families who claimed descent from King David often used the Biblical ruler's name as their surname, e.g., ben David, Ibn Daoud, Dauod, David, Davies, Davidson, Davis, Dawes, Dowd, Dodds, etc., and he adds that during the Middle Ages, Sephardic surnames in Spain and France were frequently translated into their Latin equivalents: Hayim = Vital or Vidas (Life), Shemtob = Bonhomme, Yom Tob = Bondia or Bondion, Tob Elam-Bonenfant, Bonfils or Bonfill (good child), Sarfati = Frances or Frank, Zennah + Crescas or Berdugo (branch). [70] [Footnote 70: One of the authors' ancestors was named Peter Jacobs Branch Kennedy.]
> ...
> We propose the original name of the famous Kennedys of Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, may have been Italian Candiani, filtered through the French form Canada - from Candy, the old name for the Turkish capital of Crete. Genealogies of the Irish branch of the Kennedys do not go farther back than Patrick Kennedy, a prosperous farmer of Dunganstown, County Wexford, Ireland, who was born about 1785 and whose son immigrated to America. The family was probably of French origin before it became Irish. Both Cassel (a sept of Clan Kennedy pointing to a region in southern France) and Canady appear on a list ofrefugee French Huguenots to Ireland.

RFK Jr.'s grandfather Joe Kennedy

RFK Jr.'s grandfather Joe made his fortune by bootlegging during the prohibition, by trading in the stock market, and in Hollywood, which sounds like a very gentile-like career. (https://www.cwporter.com/ytedkempire.htm) Joe's father P. J. Kennedy was a saloon owner, just like Trump's grandfather Frederick. (ibid.)

FDR's son James was a protege of Joe Kennedy: "Roosevelt was a close protege of Joseph P. Kennedy Sr. In fall 1933, the two journeyed to England to obtain the market in post-prohibition liquor imports.[1] Many of Roosevelt's controversial business ventures were aided by Kennedy, including his maritime insurance interests, and the National Grain Yeast Corp. affair (1933-35). Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. threatened to resign unless FDR forced his son to leave the latter company, suspected of being a front for bootlegging.[4] Roosevelt was instrumental in securing Kennedy's appointment as ambassador to the United Kingdom.[5]" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Roosevelt)

Joe Kennedy also helped FDR get elected, and he had a close relationship with many newspaper publishers: (https://www.cwporter.com/ytedkpolitics.htm)

> Joe Kennedy's entry into politics began when a mutual friend arranged a meeting between Kennedy and then-governor of New York Franklin Roosevelt. Having just won reelection as governor, Roosevelt was already being described as a contender for President. A pragmatist willing to obtain support from almost any quarter, he saw Joe Kennedy as both a potential source of major campaign contributions and someone who could swing Wall Street and conservative Democrats his way.
> At their meeting, Kennedy and Roosevelt forged a political alliance. Joe would contribute to his campaign and open doors to him on Wall Street; Roosevelt would bring Joe into his inner circle of advisers, and include him in his cabinet.
> Once the campaign got under way, Joe not only contributed large sums of money directly to Roosevelt, but he also became Roosevelt's "money collector" or bag man, collecting cash from those who wanted to hide their identities.
> Joe was of further value to Roosevelt because of his close relationships with many newspaper publishers who could be critically important to an election. Not only could they support candidates in their papers, they often used their political clout to choose candidates in the first place. Chief among these media power brokers was Kennedy's friend William Randolph Hearst.
> Hearst owned 33 newspapers with a circulation of 11 million. He also controlled 86 delegates to the Democratic nominating convention, nearly all from the critical states of California and Texas. In a last minute move, Kennedy persuaded Hearst to back Roosevelt. Hearst not only provided a large campaign contribution, but he also swung his delegates to Roosevelt. Joe would later claim, justifiably, that he had won the nomination for Roosevelt.

Are the Roosevelt and Delano families crypto-Jewish?

Chase Osborn was a governor of the State of Michigan and a friend of both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt. On 1934-02-08, the St. Petersburg Times reported that he had said that FDR is a "descendant of the Rossacampo family expelled from Spain in 1620. Seeking safety in Germany, Holland and other countries, members of the family, he said, changed their name to Rosenberg, Rosenbaum, Rosenblum, Rosenvelt and Rosenthal. The Rosenvelts in north Holland finally became Roosevelt, soon becoming apostates with the first generation and others following suit until, in the fourth generation a little storekeeper by the name of Jacobus Roosevelt was the only one who remained true to his Jewish faith." (https://www.islam-radio.net/historia/wsmt/roosevelt-were-jewish-letters-which.htm, https://www.jta.org/archive/uncertain-on-ancestors-faith-roosevelt-tells-jewish-editor) Later in 1935, Chase Osborn also said that "I heard Theodore Roosevelt state twice that his ancestors were Jewish. Once was to me when I asked him about it after he had made a pleasing euphemistic statement in a speech to a Jewish gathering." (ibid.)

On a genealogy forum, someone who said that she is related to the Roosevelts wrote: "The Roosevelts, Roosa’s and Kortwrights were Spanish Jews. They fled the Spanish Inquisition and their names got changed. Roosa is Dutch for Rosa. There is another Roosevelt family in Holland but they are a different family. The above Roosevelts descend from the Spanish Rossacampos family who settled in North Holland. Their name got changed to Rosenvelt and then to Roosevelt. The Roosa’s were from Rosas, Gerona and Catalonia, Spain. Roosa is Dutch for Rosa. They fled to Flanders, then Gerlderland, Holland. This area and Amsterdam near Haarlem were Sephardic Marrano enclaves." (https://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/roosa/414/)

From an article in _The Canadian Jewish news_ from 1982-04-22: (https://newspapers.lib.sfu.ca/cjn2-27952/page-4)

> Phiilp Slomovitz, the former editor of The Detroit Jewish News, has brought out a book of columns and letters this information emerges.
> Forty-five years ago, Rabbi Stephen Wise wrote Slomovitz a letter about the matter. He told him that Eleanor Roosevelt had confided to his wife that one Esther Levy was FDR's great-grandmother.
> The Roosevelts were apparently not delighted by this bit of arcania. According to Rabbi Wise, FDR's mother got angry when the subject was broached. 'You know that this is not so,' quoted her as saying. "Why do you say it?"
> The rabbi also told Slomovitz that Mrs. Roosevelt, the first lady, asked Mrs. Wise not to discuss the family secret. "It is best to Jet the matter die down."
> Slomovitz waited 45 years to tell the world about Esther Levy because Rabbi Wise had marked his letter "strictly private and confidential."

FDR's great-great-grandfather Isaac Roosevelt was a co-founder of the Bank of New York, and he later became its president. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Roosevelt_(politician)). The first bank of Sweden was Stockholms Banco, which was founded by a merchant who was born in Livonia, who is thought to be of Dutch ancestry, and whose family is thought to have migrated from the low countries to escape the religious persecution of the Duke of Alba. (https://www.adelsvapen.com/genealogi/Palmstruch_nr_657) He was in jail for multiple years in Amsterdam before he moved to Sweden. The Bank of Amsterdam was also founded by Sephardic crypto-Jews, and the Hamburger Bank was founded by crypto-Jews from Amsterdam. (https://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?356835-Crypto-Jews-Erkko-and-Mannerheim) The mission which led Cromwell to readmit Jews to England was led by Menasseh ben Israel, who earlier lived in the court of Sweden's Queen Christina between the years 1651 and 1655, but Stockholms Banco was founded in 1656. (ibid.)

The book _Jews and Muslims in Colonial North America_ was written by two Jews who say that their ancestors include multiple crypto-Jews who were early immigrants to North America. They say that the Delano family is crypto-Jewish: (https://archive.org/details/B-001-001-711)

> Thus Bradford was most interested in the Torah and Nevim, the law and the prophets. This is surely a remarkable sentiment for a man widely perceived as a student of the New Testament and champion of the Gospels. In the same work, Bradford recounts how the French Walloons were persecuted by the Catholics in the Netherlands, about which his editor comments in a footnote, "many thousand Protestants among the French-speaking Walloons immigrated across the border to the United Netherlands. Some of them joined the Christian Church in Leiden[6]; one of these was Phillippe de La Noye [from Noe, French for Noah], who came to Plymouth in the Fortune in 1621. This name, Anglicized as Delano, has descended to a host of Americans, including President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. De la Noye is a well-documented Sephardic surname, and this protestant De La Noye family was therefore likely crypto-Jewish.[7]
> ...
> Goodfriend, in her account of early New Amsterdam, lists many names we will return to shortly. Let us introduce them briefly at this time, beginning with Balthazar Bayard, a brewer, and his brother Nicholas. Balthazar married Marite Loackermanns (Louk/Lok)[50] in 1664, daughter of a wealthy merchant. Abraham de la Noy (already discussed as a Sephardic surname) had two sons, Abraham and Peter. Mention is also made of Albertus Ringo, shoemaker; Peter Jansen Messier, carpenter; Denys Isacksen, another carpenter who arrived in 1659; Jacob Danielsen; Jacob Maurits (Moses), ship captain; Jeronimus Ebbingh, a merchant from Hamburg (another safe-haven for Sephardic Jews at the time); Jacob Abrahamsen, cooper; Martinus Hoffman, who resided in Kingston, Jamaica; Teunis ('from Tunis") Cray; Cornelis Barentsen (compare Berenson), measurer; Peter Jacob Marius, trader; Simon Janszen Romeyn ("from Rome"); Allard Anthony; Isaac de Peyster (Peiser), merchant; Isaac Brasier, carpenter; and Jacob Marius Groen (Green), silversmith.[41] Most of these surnames appear in the genealogies published on the Internet as "Dutch Jewry," and many are in the Family Tree of the Jewish People project.
> ...
> The list of family names of likely Sephardic or crypto-Jewish ancestry in Elizabethan England would not be complete without two much more prominent players in the trade and diplomacy of the day. The first is the Sidneys, also spelled Sidoney, as in Sidon, Palestine. One of the leading figures in this line was Robert (Robin) Sidney, earl of Leicester (1563-1626). Robin is a form of Reuben, a name favored by crypto-Jews. Robert Sidney's father, Henry, "was a radical Protestant," according to biographer Hay.[81] In 1579 Robert was placed under the tutelage of Hubert Languet, a scholarly Huguenot emigre. On a tour through the Low Countries, France and Germany, Languet introduced him to the eminent champions of Protestantism in the late 1500s, including the Prince of Orange, Francois de La Noye (de la No).[8]

Note how Philippe de La Noye migrated from Flanders to the Dutch Republic. Before Amsterdam, the Flemish city of Antwerp was the great center of Marranos, but Marranos later escaped to the Dutch Republic to escape the religious persecution of the Duke of Alba. (https://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/articles/1626-antwerp) In the book _Crisis of the Seventeenth Century_, it is mentioned how in various Lutheran and Catholic countries in the 1600s, the capitalist elite consisted of Calvinist "Dutch" merchants who had moved to the Dutch Republic from Flanders or Wallonia. (https://oll4.libertyfund.org/title/roper-the-crisis-of-the-seventeenth-century#lf6114_head_004; the relevant part starts from "Let us start with the Protestant powers") In the 1600s, A French diplomat who visited both Calvinist churches and Jewish synagogues in Amsterdam was surprised of their great similarity: "The building on Houtgracht, which served as a synagogue for the Neveh Shalom congregation from 1612, was seen by the French diplomat Charles Ogier. The account of his visit shows that he entered the synagogue of the Beth Israel congregation first, and he describes it in detail. Ogier was surprised to discover the great similarity between the two synagogues and the Calvinist churches that he saw in Amsterdam."

Kyra Kennedy and Tiffany Trump

In 2016, RFK Jr.'s daughter Kyra was reported to be part of the same clique with Trump's daughter Tiffany, who like Trump is probably a crypto-Jew: (https://tradcatknight.org/2019/06/26/is-donald-trump-jewish/)

> Tiffany Trump is seen often with her close friends, Peter Brant Jr. and Harry Brant. The two friends just happen to be the sons of Jewish billionaire Peter Brant Sr. who just happens to be her father's closest childhood friend when they grew up together in the Jewish community of Jamaica Estates back in the 1960's. Also A New York Times story recently dubbed Tiffany Trump's gaggle of social-media savvy fellow children-of the the "Snap Pack": the gang includes RFK Jr.'s daughter Kyra Kennedy, Stephanie Seymour's son Peter Brant Jr., and Gaia Matisse, the great-great granddaughter of painter Henri Matisse.

Tiffany dated the overt Jew Ross Mechanic from 2016 to 2018. (https://www.jweekly.com/2016/10/07/tiffany-trump-dating-jewish-guy-at-penn/) Tiffany's mom Marla is a Kabbalist: "Maples studies the ancient Jewish mysticism known as Kabbalah, and often shares images (like the one above) of her practice on social media." (https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/politics/news/a8753/about-marla-maples/) Marla was also described as "a Christian who keeps the Jewish Sabbath and eats kosher". (https://www.timesofisrael.com/trumps-second-wife-a-christian-keeps-kosher-and-shabbat/) In 2019, Marla and Tiffany celebrated Tu B'Av (Jewish Valentines Day) in New York. (https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7364779/Marla-Maples-celebrates-Jewish-Valentines-Day-New-York-daughter-Tiffany-Trump.html) In a _Vanity Fair_ article published in 2005, Marla was said to be a member of Los Angeles Kabbalah Center. (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2005/03/kabbalah200503) In 2004, Marla traveled to Israel to attend a tashlich ceremony, and she also visited the graves of rabbinical sages. (https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/10230/)

Is the Trump family also crypto-Jewish?

The article by TradCatKnight I quoted above said that Peter Brant was Trump's "closest childhood friend when they grew up together in the Jewish community of Jamaica Estates". Peter Brant described his friendship with Trump like this: (https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-stat/graphics/politics/trump-archive/docs/peter-brant.pdf)

> I do consider him a friend in the sense that we knew each other so well. But by the time that he left around 13 to go to New York Military Academy, I think that I really didn't have much contact with him until he came back to New York and was in business for - you know, he's a success coming into the New York. I didn't really see him very much, hardly at all until the '80s and then I kind of reconnected with him in the '90s and we were social friends. I played golf with him. He'd been to my house several times in the '90s.
> ...
> we were very, very close and Donald as a kid was a very competitive guy, a very good athlete

Eric Trump married the TV producer Lara Yunaska. The wedding took place under a chuppah, which is canopy used in Jewish weddings: "Kushner himself performed the ceremony, which the New York Post reports took place under a "crystal-embellished" chuppah. Because while the wedding may have been Jewish, it was still Trump." (http://www.tabletmag.com/scroll/186935/another-jewish-trump-wedding-for-the-books) However the _Forward_ later said that "While several Jewish publications including the Forward reported that Eric Trump’s wife Lara is Jewish, the White House says she is not." (https://forward.com/fast-forward/366579/eric-and-laura-trump-announce-first-child/)

Donald Trump Jr. married Vanessa Haydon. Some sources say that her father is Charles Haydon, but other sources say that he's her stepfather. (https://ethnicelebs.com/vanessa-trump) He changed his surname from Hochberg to Haydon. (https://www.geni.com/people/Charles-Haydon/4876964312700029342) Ancestry.com says that the surname Hochberg is Ashkenazic, and it doesn't mention that it would also be German. (https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=hochberg)

Ivanka looked like a Jew when she had her natural hair color and when she had not undergone plastic surgery. (https://www.google.com/search?q=ivanka+trump+young&tbm=isch)

Trump's grandfather was Friedrich Trump, whose mother's maiden name was Kober. Ancestry.com says that the surname Kober is "German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from a derivative of the personal name Jakob or Yakov (see Jacob). German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Kober 'basket', Middle High German kober, hence a metonymic occupational name for a basket maker or perhaps a nickname for someone who carried a basket on his back." (https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=kober) Three of Trump's great aunts were Elisabetha Freund, Louise Schuster, and Katherine Schuster. (https://www.famechain.com/family-tree/11438/donald-trump) Ancestry.com says that the surname Freund can be either German or Ashkenazic. (https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=freund) Ancestry.com says that the name Schuster is "German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name for a maker or repairer of shoes, Middle High German schuochsutære (a compound of schuoch 'shoe' + sutære 'one who sews'), German Schuster, Yiddish shuster." (https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=schuster)

Trump's brother Fred joined a Jewish fraternity: (https://forward.com/news/346731/trumps-brother-rebelled-against-their-authoritarian-father-by-joining-a-jew/)

> Arriving at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania from a casually Presbyterian family and with time at an Episcopalian boys' prep school under his belt, Trump Jr. decided to join Sigma Alpha Mu, a historically Jewish fraternity, according to David Cay Johnston's "The Making of Donald Trump."
> Several former fraternity brothers told The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/03/us/politics/for-donald-trump-lessons-from-a-brothers-suffering.html) earlier this year that they remembered "Freddy" claiming that his father, real-estate magnate Fred Trump Sr., was actually the Jewish son of German immigrants.

The _New York Times_ article that is linked within the quotation above above said: ""It may have been Freddy's first attempt to make his own statement to his father," said his best friend at Lehigh, Bruce Turry, who, like several other former fraternity brothers, remembered Freddy claiming that his father, the son of German immigrants, was Jewish."

While Netanyahu was working in New York as an Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Trump's father Fred became friends with him. Like his son, Fred Trump donated heavily to Jewish causes: "Trump was so active in Jewish and Israeli causes that some believed that he belonged to the Jewish faith.[45] This included donating the land for the Beach Haven Jewish Center in Flatbush, New York,[92] supporting Israel Bonds,[93] and serving as the treasurer of an Israel benefit concert featuring American easy-listening performers.[90]" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Trump)

On 1952-11-30, _The Brooklyn Daily Eagle_ reported that Fred Trump was honored in a fete by the Federation of Jewish Philantropies because he had "been a worker in federation philanthropies for years" and because he had made a large contribution to a campaign for the federation's "network of health and welfare agencies". (https://www.newspapers.com/image/52913946, https://i.ibb.co/8bkpZBG/newspapers-com-52913946-fred-trump-honored-by-federation-of-jewish-philantropies.jpg) On 1952-05-24, the _Brooklyn Eagle_ reported that "Fred C, Trump, builder of the Shore Haven and Beach Haven housing projects, has been elected treasurer of "Music Under the Stars," which will be presented Saturday night, June 7, at Ebbets Field, by the American Fund for Israel Institutions." (https://www.newspapers.com/image/686490256, https://i.ibb.co/2FYVvpq/newspapers-com-686490256-fred-trump-selected-treasurer-for-event-by-american-fund-for-israel-institu.jpg)

Jared Kushner is the nephew of real estate mogul Murray Kushner, who was a business partner of Trump's father Fred. (http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/25/fashion/weddings/25TRUMP.html) Trump's grandfather Frederick Trump collaborated with the Jew Ernest Levin in running a restaurant, and later in running a hotel which also operated as a whor*house: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Trump)

> In the spring of 1898, Trump and another miner named Ernest Levin opened a tent restaurant along the trail. Blair writes that "a frequent dish was fresh-slaughtered, quick-frozen horse".[3]
> In May 1898, Trump and Levin moved to Bennett, British Columbia,[14] a town known for prospectors building boats in order to travel to Dawson. In Bennett, Trump and Levin opened the Arctic Restaurant and Hotel, which offered fine dining, lodging and sex in a sea of tents.[3]

In the book _Trump: The Way to the Top_, Trump (or his ghostwriter) wrote: "One day, when my Kabbalah teacher, Eitan Yardeni, asked how I was doing, I told him I needed a break." (https://books.google.com/books?id=I0D-_2RP6cEC&pg=PA188)

Vanity Fair said that the majority of the members of Trump's Mar-a Lago club were Jews: (https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/01/trump-marla-and-the-epic-battle-for-mar-a-lago)

> Trump had begun to claim that the club was his idea, even though it was very much the vision of Paul Rampell, who told Trump there was room on the island for a new club open to everyone. "The town of Palm Beach is probably about half Christian and half Jewish," Rampell said. "There are five clubs. Four of those clubs are restricted. No Jews. No African-Americans." A majority of the members were Jewish, but there were many Christian members.

The source of the following statements is an article by Whitney Webb from 2019. (https://www.mintpressnews.com/blackmail-jeffrey-epstein-trump-mentor-reagan-era/260760/) Trump's mentor and his personal lawyer was the Jew Roy Cohn, who also introduced Roger Stone to Trump during Reagan's 1980 campaign. Cohn ran an underage gay sex blackmail operation, which he inherited from his mentor Lewis Rosenstiel, who was addressed as "Supreme Commander" by the Jewish mob boss Meyer Lansky. James Rothstein, who was the head of NYPD's human trafficking division, said that "Cohn's job was to run the little boys. Say you had an admiral, a general, a congressman, who did not want to go along with the program. Cohn's job was to set them up, then they would go along. Cohn told me that himself." Roger Stone said that "Roy was not gay. He was a man who liked having sex with men. Gays were weak, effeminate. He always seemed to have these young blond boys around. It just wasn't discussed. He was interested in power and access." Both Cohn and Rosenstiel hosted parties involved with their underage sex blackmail operation at Plaza Hotel. After Cohn died in 1986, Trump bought Plaza Hotel, and he continued to hold parties at the hotel. When a male model who helped organize Trump's parties was asked about the age of the girls present, he replied, "A lot of girls, 14, look 24. That's as juicy as I can get. I never asked how old they were; I just partook. I did partake in activities that would be controversial, too."

In an interview with Kerry Cassidy in 2017, George Webb said that he "roomed with a gal who worked the Trump parties - the Epstein-Trump parties", and he said that the girl was a "a model and everyting at other times". He estimated that Trump visited about 30 of Epstein's parties, and he said that he knew of two instances where Trump was compromised by a girl who was part of Epstein's operation. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFxnxWCBu6I) However George Webb is not a reliable source, because I consider it likely that he is both a disinformation agent and a crypto-Jew, but that's too off-topic to be covered in this thread.

RFK Jr.'s links to Epstein, and is the Kennedy family crypto-Jewish? [Archive] (2024)


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