What's The Name Of The New Pierre Chenal Movie (2025)

1. Pierre Chenal | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Explore the filmography of Pierre Chenal on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!

2. Architecture d'aujourd'hui - 1930 - Planum - The journal of Urbanism

  • The three films are Batir, Architecture d'aujourd'hui and Trois chantiers. The short films analyse the modern building advantages in the technical point of view ...

  • Three films by Chenal to show modern architectureand promote a new architectural magazine

3. Paris Cinéma (1929) directed by Pierre Chenal, Jean Mitry - Letterboxd

  • The first behind-the-scenes documentary in the film industry, from the making of a camera (Debrie) to studio shooting and directing, including animation ...

  • The first behind-the-scenes documentary in the film industry, from the making of a camera (Debrie) to studio shooting and directing, including animation techniques. Pierre Chenal meets André Rigal who executes, in his workshop, a series of freehand drawings. These sketches are then ground in a coffee grinder, from which a cartoon on film emerges. In Champigny, Alain Saint-Ogan and his host are working on Zig et Puce and developing Alfred the penguin's first steps. In Fontenay-sous-Bois, Ladislas Starewitch presents his future stars. Pierre Chenal described his film as follows: “I had designed to shoot a documentary in which I would show how a film is made in order, at the same time, to learn it myself. "

4. Pierre Chenal - Unifrance

  • Pierre Chenal - 05 December 1904 - 23 December 1990 - Activities: Director, Adaptation, Screenwriter, Director of Photography, Editor - Secteur: Cinema

  • Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.  

5. Pierre Chenal - shadowplay | david cairns

6. Pierre Chenal Posters From Movie Poster Shop

  • Pierre Chenal Titles, Movies and Posters ; Scandals of Clochemerle · Félix Oudart · Saturnin Fabre ; L'alibi · Erich von Stroheim · Albert Préjean ; The Murderer Knows ...

  • Find movie posters and motion picture art in several sizes and styles from Movie Poster Shop. We're your film poster source for new releases and vintage movie posters

7. Street Without a Name de Pierre Chenal (1933) - Unifrance

  • ... MOVIE OR A PROGRAM. All movies and programs · Fiction · Documentary · Animation · Series. News ... What are you looking for? Search. Le captcha est obligatoire.

  • Located in Paris, Unifrance employs around 50 staff members, as well as representatives based in the U.S. China and Japan. The organisation currently brings together more than 1,000 French cinema and TV content professionals (producers, talents, agents, sales companies, etc.) working together to promote French films and TV programmes among foreign audiences, industry executives and media.  


  • 30 jun 2016 · IL CINEMA RITROVATO: SANGRE NEGRA (NATIVE SON) BY PIERRE CHENAL ... The film wasn't lost, exactly, just unavailable for a very long time. Sangre ...

  • By Tara Judah The film wasn’t lost, exactly, just unavailable for a very long time. Sangre Negra (Native Son, 1951) was heavily censored on release in America; just six weeks after real life events that came a little too close to some of the film’s confronting and contentious racial content. Bigger Thomas (Richard Wright), living in abject poverty with his family in the Chicago slums, is offered a job as a chauffeur for an affluent white family. His past reveals some petty tire theft but he assures his new employers that he has turned over a new leaf and won’t be causing any trouble.

9. The Last Turning (1939) directed by Pierre Chenal • Reviews, film + cast

  • Start a new list… Add all films to a list… Add all films to watchlist. Add to your films… Name of Film ... What is left is fate as merciless mechanism.

  • Frank, a hobo, ends up in a garage-truck stop in the middle of nowhere. Nick Marino, its older, kind and naive owner, is married to Cora, a sexy and mercenary woman half his age. Frank, although not a fan of hard work, accepts Nick's offer to work for him. Of course, it is not for Nick's sake that the young man becomes his attendant, but for the love of Cora under whose spell he has fallen at once. It does not take long before Cora, who despises her husband, asks her lover to help her get rid of him. Frank is reluctant at first but ...

10. La Foire aux chimères (1946) Directed by Pierre Chenal - French Films

  • An in-depth review of the film La Foire aux chimeres (1946), aka Devil and the Angel, directed by Pierre Chenal, featuring Madeleine Sologne, ...

  • An in-depth review of the film La Foire aux chimères (1946), directed by Pierre Chenal.

11. Public Enemy: Native Son | Richard Wright and Pierre Chenal

  • To accurately discuss Pierre Chenal's uncut 1950 film version of the novel Native Son, made in Argentina and starring its author, Richard Wright, we need to ...

  • In the restored 1950 adaptation of Richard Wrights Native Son, the author himself plays his protagonist—without sugarcoating him

12. La Bête à l'affût (1959) Directed by Pierre Chenal - French Films

  • An in-depth review of the film La Bete a l'affut (1959), aka Beast at Bay, directed by Pierre Chenal, featuring Francoise Arnoul, Henri Vidal, ...

  • An in-depth review of the film La Bête à l'affût (1959), directed by Pierre Chenal.

13. Native Son - Movie Review - The Austin Chronicle

  • 9 okt 2020 · It was there that Wright met Pierre Chenal, a French director with a knack for the noir, who wanted to adapt Native Son. After a handful of ...

  • Robert Wright's 1951 depiction of American injustice finally restored

14. Deep focus: How the French birthed film noir | Sight & Sound | BFI

  • 7 mei 2019 · (Pierre Chenal's 1934 La Rue sans nom is the first film to be called as such, and the movement's greatest classics are probably Marcel ...

  • Any discussion of French film noir must begin by challenging a few myths. Raymond Borde and Etienne Chaumeton’s seminal A Panorama of American Film Noir, first published in 1955, sees film noir – despite the French name – as an American phenomenon.

15. The Devil & the Angel + Secrets of a French Nurse + The Accident - Roxie

  • ... NAME FOR IT began its run at ... Pierre Chenal's comeback film after six years in exile from France during ...

  • BLONDES: with Madeleine Sologne, Estella Blain, Danik Patisson…plus the ultimate non-blonde: Erich von Stroheim! THE FRENCH HAD A NAME FOR IT began its run at the Roxie Theater in 2014 with a boatload…


  • Paris cinéma showed a camera being loaded, the choice of lens according to what shot was desired. It showed the actors putting on their make-up, ...

  • Pierre Chena

17. L'alibi = the Alibi | Pierre Chenal | 1937 | ACMI collection

  • Chenal has the dubious distinction of being the major filmmaker of the decade (1930s) most thoroughly forgotten by the film community after WWII for reason from ...

  • A Parisian dance hostess, blackmailed into providing an alibi for a murderer falls in love with a secret police agent sent to win her trust. Other thrillers o..

What's The Name Of The New Pierre Chenal Movie (2025)


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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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