Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (2025)

I know this thread is old but does anyone know what "Monica Perez" aka "Josie Monroe" aka "Amber" is up to nowadays. She's of age now and probably still hot sooooooo...

I know this thread is old but does anyone know what "Monica Perez" aka "Josie Monroe" aka "Amber" is up to nowadays. She's of age now and probably still hot sooooooo...

John Snavely is out of jail and shooting porn again. She went back with after he got out of jail. Not sure if they are still together after the domestic violence charge against him.

Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (3)

Wow! Thanks for the response. She stayed with this guy all this time. Interesting. But seeing that she is still with him and he shoots porn again I'm surprised that she didn't take up doing flicks again. Maybe that beauty queen stuff worked out for her after all?

Wow! Thanks for the response. She stayed with this guy all this time. Interesting. But seeing that she is still with him and he shoots porn again I'm surprised that she didn't take up doing flicks again. Maybe that beauty queen stuff worked out for her after all?

She was on page 74 of VIZUAL MAGAZINE VOL. 18 JULY 2016.

Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (6) Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (7) Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (8) Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (9) Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (10)

Dancing Bear - House Party! ID ? Brunette in hardcore action (2025)


How many bears are in the bear dance? ›

During these dances, as many as fifty or more bears might show up and participate. The slow and dignified motions that the bears made often appeared astonishingly comic to those not accustomed to them.

What happens to dancing bears? ›

For hundreds of years, the European royals, the tourists visiting Bulgarian resorts, and families with kids loved watching the bears dance. It wasn't that long ago – some of those bears are still alive, and luckily they found a safe home in Belitsa Bear Sanctuary in the Bulgarian Rila mountains.

What is up with Dancing Bear? ›

During the Middle Ages dancing bears were a common and popular form of street entertainment throughout Europe and Asia. By the fifteenth century the practice was far less common in western Europe, although there were still dancing bears in Britain in the late nineteenth century (the practice was outlawed in 1911).

How do you get dancing bear? ›

It is sold by Lhara on Darkmoon Island, so it's only obtainable when the Darkmoon Faire is open. It can be purchased with Darkmoon Prize Tickets which can be earned by completing daily games and weekly quests during the Faire.

What is the rarest bear to see? ›

The Spirit Bear is one of the rarest animals in the world. It is truly a transformative experience to spend time in one's presence. Current population estimates are from 50 to 150 individuals. This elusive animal is only found in a small portion of the Great Bear Rainforest.

Does Dancing Bear still exist? ›

Yes, they do. And they are living a life of constant pain and fear. Join us in the fight against this cruel practice and put an end to the suffering of these magnificent creatures.

Who are the guys in dancing bear? ›

Dancing Bear is a two-hander with three people: the two men (Matt Ryan and Matthew Evans) are a live physical presence performing as both male and female while Hannah Ringham offers a deadpan, sometimes surreal voiceover delivered through headphones directly into our ears.

When did dancing bear start? ›

This practice dates back to the Vedic Era (1000-700 BCE) and now forms the identity of the Kalandar Tribe. During the Mughal Era, the Dancing Bear became a prominent form of entertainment for the elite. It was also believed that a Dancing Bear was a good luck charm.

When did dancing bears end? ›

Dancing bears were commonplace in the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Dancing bears were banned in India under the 1972 Wildlife Protection Act. The last of them were freed in 2009.

Who played dancing bear? ›

Cosmo Allegretti: Captain Kangaroo character behind Dancing Bear and Mr. Moose. Cosmo Allegretti was Captain Kangaroo's puppeteer who brought to life some of the show's most loved characters.

What is the dancing bear logo? ›

The Grateful Dead's Dancing Bears are another beloved symbol, representing the playful and lighthearted side of the band.

Who created the dancing bears? ›

From Wikipedia: A series of stylized dancing bears was drawn by Bob Thomas as part of the back cover for the album History of the Grateful Dead, Volume One (Bear's Choice) (1973). Thomas reported that he based the bears on a lead sort from an unknown font.

Who is Shadow bear? ›

Shadow Bear is the largest of all the bears. It looks just like Tunnel Bear, except for its greater size and it does not chase you. It is the only bear who has no function - it doesn't give quests, it doesn't run a shop, and it doesn't protect an area.

How many dancing bears are there? ›

As a result, animal organizations have sought to halt the practice around the world. In India, there may have been as many as 1,200 dancing bears at the end of the 20th century but, thanks to the efforts of IAR and Wildlife SOS, the last dancing bear was rescued in 2009 and placed in a sanctuary run by Wildlife SOS.

How long does the bear dance last? ›

The dance is a four-day affair. The steps are simple and imitate a bear walking on its hind legs.

How many bears are in the bear family? ›

There are eight species of bears: the American black bear, the Asiatic black bear, the brown bear, the giant panda, the polar bear, the sloth bear, the spectacled bear, and the sun bear.

How many bear mascots are there? ›

The bear is celebrated in name and as mascot of the sports teams of the University of California, Berkeley (the California Golden Bears), and of the University of California, Los Angeles (the UCLA Bruins) and in the mascot of University of California, Riverside (the UC Riverside Highlanders).

How many bears are there in Daroji bear sanctuary? ›

It is estimated that about 120 Sloth Bears are living in this sanctuary, apart from Leopards, Hyena, Jackals, Wild Boars, Porcupine, Pangolins, Star Tortoise, Monitor Lizard, Mongoose, Pea Fowls, Partridges, Painted Spur Hen, Quails etc.

How many bear encounters are there? ›

Over the last 10 years, an average of 339 negative human-bear encounters have been reported annually; many more go unreported. Visitors should be aware that high bear activity can occur in any area, and that your safety is not guaranteed.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.